
Next gen GTA character transfers problematic

Next gen GTA character transfers problematic
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
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With the release of GTA V on the new generations of console today, some players have found transferring their previous generation character has been problematic.

Players who’d played the game on release last year on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 were looking forward to migrating their character to the new consoles, the first time a feature like this has been available for players. However, players have been reporting issues with the migration.

The error reads: “No previous Grand theft Auto Online data is associated with your Social Club account,” on the new generation while on the previous generation consoles the error states “Rockstar services are unavailable”.

We’ve contacted Rockstar and we’ve been told that there is “no further information but we’re trying to resolve the issue” and were pointed to the support page which will be updated as and when there is more to report.

We’d love to hear if you’ve had issues too. Why not leave comment below and let us know your thoughts?


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