
GTA Online cheaters could be banned

GTA Online cheaters could be banned
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Rockstar could decide to ban players who are cheating or using exploits in GTA Online.

An email update sent out by the publisher confirmed Rockstar's plans to eliminate cheaters from the game, which saw many players attempting to generate and distribute "game-breaking amounts of in-game cash".

"Anyone that innocently received GTA$ as a result of these exploits but did not engage in cheating to acquire it will not face any further action - the funds will just be removed, and you'll be able to keep any items you currently own," said Rockstar.

"Those who actively engaged in cheating and exploiting the game in this manner will, however, be subject to in-game penalties at our discretion.

"This may include being placed in isolated cheater pools or banned from GTA Online altogether."

Rockstar is also instructing players who know of any cheaters to alert the publisher using the in-game reporting function.

"In the Pause menu, under the Online tab, select Players and scroll to the offending player. From there, select Report and choose Exploits from the violation options."

More news for GTA Online will be revealed in the coming weeks.


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