
Next-gen advantages for FIFA 14 explained

Next-gen advantages for FIFA 14 explained
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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The next-generation versions of FIFA 14 will make players seem as lifelike as possible, according to executive producer David Rutter.

That's because of the new Ignite Engine being used to power FIFA 14 on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Rutter said that FIFA 14 on the new consoles is now fully high-definition, which makes a significant improvement.

"Well there's the obvious one for us, which is just the rendering capability," he told ArabicGamers when asked about the changes due to Ignite.

"So the Ignite Engine has allowed us to get to 1080p, 60 frames per second. We were HD on the other consoles but it was 720p, we're now full HD.

"Which makes a significant visual upgrade not just to the look of the game but adds a lot more fidelity to the graphics."

Rutter claimed that the new consoles also allowed for all kinds of different effects, which all come together to create a more realistic game.

"The second part is that alongside that we're allowed to bring new lighting, new shaders on the skin so everything starts to look a lot more realistic.

"And obviously a big part of that is to try and go round and head capture as many of the players to make them as believable as possible.

"The level of detail and fidelity on their faces is a big part of being able to recognise the kind of sporting superstars that are in the game."

The next-gen Ignite Engine has also been credited for making it easier for different studios to share information.

FIFA 14 arrives 27 September for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, before heading to the next-generation consoles later in the year.


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