
GAME's closure "all but a certainty"

GAME's closure
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Despite never mentioning retailer GAME, EA's CEO, John Riccitiello, has said the troubled video game retailer will probably dissolve within the next two weeks.
Referring to the retailer as a "major European retail partner" and in a Wedbush Morgan technology investors event last week, Riccitiello said that it was "all but a certainty" after stating the retailer faced the "risk last month [but] Now it looks like a fact," reports MCV.
The weekend saw more bad news for GAME as they put themselves up for sale and despite a last minute in-store promotion on sales, it seems the objective of getting a cash injection to put faith back into investors and publishers has failed to combat the financial issues.
Not only have the investors lost faith in GAME, but publishers now will not put their games into GAME outlets.
But Riccitiello also said he wasn't worried about the closure, it it were to happen, as "other retailers will absorb the business."
Riccitiello isn't worried about losing business either.
"I don't think we're going to – we might lose 20,000 copies of Mass Effect 3 in the UK for the consumer that can't figure out another store to go to, but that would even surprise me. I mean I think we'll sell every unit. So, we love great retailer partners, and we, like I mentioned GameStop earlier and Best Buy and Amazon and others. They're great for us. If one goes away, the other guys pick up the slack. I really don't see it as anything other than a very temporary dislocation."

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