
Crash Bandicoot could return

Crash Bandicoot could return
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation Nintendo Mobile PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

Crash Bandicoot could make his return to video games in the future.

Activision now owns the Crash Bandicoot rights after the company merged with Vivendi Universal.

The games were originally developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation and they proved hugely popular.

Naughty Dog co-founder and THQ president Jason Rubin spoke of how Crash still has a big fan base and that there is demand for another game.

Rubin told GamesIndustry: “He is still a very endearing character with a huge fan base.

“In 2010, I looked at Crash’s Q Scores – rankings done by a third party for every major intellectual property. Crash does incredibly well for a character that has had such a long hiatus from the spotlight. This is especially true with adults 18 to 49. Those that remember playing Crash remember him fondly.”

Rubin wants Activision to work on another Crash Bandicoot game, adding: “I have high hopes that they will someday dust off Crash and bring him back to his original glory.”


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