
Exclusive Art work from Seven Quests

Exclusive Art work from Seven Quests
PLATFORM: Mobile Free to Play
BY: Zainab
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Seven Quest, a massively multiplayer online game based on the 1,000 year old tales of Rostam and the Epic of the Kings, will release later this year.

Speaking to ArabicGamers, Dubai-based publisher Gameguise; working in collaboration with Falafel Games, gave us a glimpse of some of The Shahnameh artwork we can expect to see in the game.

ArabicGamers was given some of the exclusive Art work for the mythological hero, Rostam; the symbol of the Iranian hero who conquers all evil, whom players will assume his role to fight off mythological creatures such as a three-headed dog, or a 10-headed snake. Exclusive Art work can be seen at the end of the article.

Image is an illustration for Rostam, taken from Ancient Origins 

Seven Quests is a mobile massive multiplayer game, based on a poem named Shahnameh, or the "Epic of the Persian Kings", which was written by Ferdowsi Tusi, whom was regarded as a national Iranian hero for reigniting pride in Iranian culture and literature. Tusi wrote Shahnameh in 33 years, which comprises in 50,000 couplets making it the longest poem written in history.

"Mobile games are by far the hottest and most popular at the moment, without exception," said Amir-Esmaeil Bozorgzadeh the CEO of Gameguise 

"Games like Seven Quests are real-time and constantly alive with activity. They're real-time so players want their access to be mobile."

The game will be released in English; Arabic is not in the current plans. Niether is Farsi...!

The game will be exclusively released on iOS devices. The game is free to download yet players can speed up their development in the game by buying in-game currency with real money.





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