
Ubisoft reveals new IP For Honor

Ubisoft reveals new IP For Honor
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
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Ubisoft has announced it has been developing a new IP at its Montreal Studios. It’s a third-person action-adventure with, what looks like, RPG elements.

Although there isn’t much information about the game, what we do know is that you get to choose from three classes of historically iconic warriors; Samurai, Viking and Knight. The game promises a load of gore and a “fast-paced, competitive experience mixing skill, strategy, and team play with visceral melee combat”.

You can see the world premiere which aired at E3 below.

There has been no news on whether this will be localised to Arabic or not, however it’s unlikely Ubisoft will spend the money on an unestablished franchise. Although we think they’d be missing a trick.

The game is impressive to say the least, with the footage showing vistas across a variety of environments and the different fighting styles of you the warriors. A cross between Assassin’s Creed and a LoTR game, the early shots look promising.

Of course, this should all be multiplayer and we expect there to be some epic battles. What promise there is of PvP is yet to be confirmed. From the trailer it seems it will work a little like Destiny, with a team of you fighting through NPCs in a PvE situation.

Anyway, enough rambling. Take a look for yourselves.


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