
Remedy would love to do more with Alan Wake

Remedy would love to do more with Alan Wake
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Quantum Break is one of the most exciting games we’ve seen this year, and it’s set to change gaming, like other Remedy titles before it. But Quantum Break has learnt a lot from the development of Alan Wake, especially the live action element of which we’re to see more of in Quantum Break.

Speaking to ArabicGamers, Sam Lake; the man behind most of Remedy’s creative story decisions, said that the studio could still see more Alan Wake driven content.

Although we reported of the successes of the previous Remedy games last week, Lake said there was still more to do with the writer protagonist. The idea was always to build around Alan Wake, said Lake.

“Already with Alan Wake, and from the get-go we were thinking about building a franchise that’s bigger than just one game. We are yet to see that with Alan Wake, time will tell.”

As with Quantum Break, Alan Wake didn’t just commit story to the game. With Quantum Break we can expect to see much more live action, especially with the supporting TV show that follows the villains’ story. But had Remedy achieved all it wanted with Alan Wake and its live-action imprint?

“Definitely Alan Wake is dear to us in many ways, let’s see if there are opportunities. But we’re taking a big leap with Quantum Break and yes, from the very beginning with Quantum Break, that was the plan. Let’s do a bigger entertainment experience, a big cinematic action game, but even more and adding more layers and more depth into that.”

We’ll have our full video interview with Sam Lake later this week. But for more on Quantum Break click here.


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