
Square Enix reveals Luminous Studio engine

Square Enix reveals Luminous Studio engine
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation Nintendo Mobile PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Square Enix flaunted its new Luminous Studio engine at E3 this week.

The powerful new game technology will be the same that will be found in the next generation of consoles.

Chief technology officer at Square Enix, Yoshihisa Hashimoto, unveiled the new engine at E3 while showing off a demo of Agni’s Philosophy, possibly a new Final Fantasy game.

Square Enix has not yet identified the hardware specifications required to run the Agni’s Philosophy demo, however the game engine is said to be developed for game consoles, PC, smartphones and the web.

The company also revealed that it will look to bring the new engine to the current generation of consoles such as the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

There are no plans to market the new engine to outside developers and as such Square Enix will only use it for in-house games only.

At present there are no games in development that use the Luminous Studio engine.

Check out the amazing screenshots showing off the Luminous Studio engine below.


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