
Sony pumping lots of money into Project Morpheus

Sony pumping lots of money into Project Morpheus
PLATFORM: PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Sony is investing heavily into the Project Morpheus virtual reality set for the PlayStation 4.

The technology was officially unveiled in March and Sony is saying it's been in development for three years now.

PlayStation boss Andrew House claims Project Morpheus is more than just an experiment, and it's something that Sony is backing all the way.

"We've made some commitments; we're putting significant investment into the product," he told The Guardian.

"We do now think that we can get to this point of delivering a magical sense of presence - where your brain tricks you into thinking you're actually in this place. We think there's something there that could be really, really interesting for a next frontier of game development."

House summed up his thoughts by saying virtual reality will at the very least be a chance to deliver brand new experiences for PlayStation users, which is "what we're all about".


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