
FIFA 14 Mobile just as authentic as console version

FIFA 14 Mobile just as authentic as console version
BY: Pierce

FIFA 14 on mobile devices will be just as authentic as the console versions, according to producer Dan Teodorescu.

Many changes have been made to the mobile version this year, including the introduction of hand gestures to control players instead of on-screen buttons.

Teodorescu said that despite having the simple hand movements such as swipes and tapping, there would still be room for in-depth gaming like the full version.

"I would say don't worry, FIFA is going to be just as authentic as you would expect it to be in terms of AI and players moving on the field," he told ArabicGamers.

"And that depth is there so as you progress, as you start to play on the higher difficulty settings the depth will be there and also you have the options with the multiplayer."

FIFA 14 Mobile will focus more on the tactical side of the game instead of pulling off great skill moves.

"The game is going to be a bit different in that it will... The satisfaction will come from different places.

"It's less right now about dribbling and doing a perfect skill move at the right time. It's more of a tactical feel, you coordinate your team.

"If you appreciate football, satisfaction comes from winning the game, getting that perfect pass, tapping the ball and sending it into that perfect position, or making a run and opening up spaces.

"So all the things that you've come to love about football are still going to be there."

FIFA 14 Mobile launches in September.


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