
New Mortal Kombat game coming

New Mortal Kombat game coming
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation Nintendo Mobile PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

NetherRealm is set to launch a new Mortal Kombat game around the same time the Mortal Kombat Legacy movie is released.

The details were revealed by Legacy producer Lance Sloane, who let slip that a game is in the works.

"We've been in greenlight committee for a while at the studio and we've got a great script," Sloane told GamerHub. "And we've got a great director with Kevin Tancharoen, who is on board.

"It's just figuring out the business side of it and when we would do it and when we would launch it and how do we sync up with the launch of the game that they're working on now.

"It's not 100% yet, but we're getting closer every day."

NetherRealm recently released the successful Injustice: The Mighty Among Us fighter, but now it looks like they'll concentrate on the Mortal Kombat brand again.

We'll bring you more as soon as we hear it.


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oj_sarraj » 30th Jul @ 12:50 » now that's good new, I kinda felt like a new game is in development ever sense they announced Scorpion as a DLC for Injustice back in June :)