
EA exec says next generation consoles better than PCs

EA exec says next generation consoles better than PCs
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation
BY: Zainab
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Executive VP and Chief Technology Officer at EA Rajat Taneja has said on Linkedin that "the architecture used to build the next generation consoles are a generation ahead of the highest end PC on the market."

He added: "Our benchmarks on just the video and audio performance are 8-10 times superior to the current gen,"

EA introduced its new Ignite engine, used for EA Sports games, during the Xbox reveal event. EA Sports has confirmed that it will release four games this year; Madden, UFC, FIFA and NBA Live.

Taneja spoke of the Ignite Engine and the next-gen Frostbite engine: "Both these engines have been tailored to take full advantage of the new capabilities of the Xbox One and PS4".

FIFA 14 and other EA Sports game will be using the Ignite engine which will enable players to experience true motion enhanced human intelligence that simulate instincts, awareness and unpredictability; more like real-life sport.

EA Sports has also released the Ignite engine's official trailer, click here to watch it.


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