
Prey 2 not cancelled; just delayed

Prey 2 not cancelled; just delayed
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: McTim
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Bethesda has clarified that Prey 2 is still in production.

A post on the official (and amusingly monikered) Bethblog states that the sci-fi shooter "has not been cancelled but the game will not be released in 2012 as planned."

The post adds that the delay is due to the game's quality, which isn't up to Bethesda's standards, and that the publisher is "unwilling to compromise our quality standards to meet a release schedule." Interesting words, considering the problems Skyrim had on PS3.

Rumours about Prey 2's demise were greatly exaggerated, apparently. Last month, apparent inside information said that the game had been cancelled and that an official announcement would be coming within the next week - but no such announcement was made.

A Prey 2 presentation had been scheduled for GDC shortly before these rumours hit, but Bethesda reportedly pulled the plug on that too, adding some weight to the "inside information" that the game had been cancelled.

For now, though, it looks like the game is still under development. Good news for anyone hoping to do a bit of bounty hunting in a neon alien city.


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