
Red Orchestra dev: Call of Duty bad for gamers

Red Orchestra dev: Call of Duty bad for gamers
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation Nintendo Mobile PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Call of Duty games have almost ruined a generation of first-person shooter players, according to Red Orchestra 2 developer John Gibson.

Shooters are some of the most common games on the market currently, while each new Call of Duty title manages to shift millions of copies every year.

Gibson believes that while single-player shooters are improving, Call of Duty is ruining multiplayer ones.

"On the flip side, I'm really discouraged by the current state of multiplayer shooters," he told PC Gamer. "I think that, and I hate to mention names because it sounds like 'I'm just jealous of their success', but I'm really, I feel like Call of Duty has almost ruined a generation of FPS players."

Gibson claims he got a bunch of players in to test Red Orchestra 2 when it was in development, but their complaints were fuelled by their love for Call of Duty.

"And we iterated on it a lot," he added. "And just listening to all the niggling, pedantic things that they would complain about, that made them not want to play the game, I just thought, 'I give up. Call of Duty has ruined this whole generation of gamers'."

Do you think Gibson has a point? Leave us your thoughts in the comments below.


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