
Gearbox turned down chance to develop Call of Duty

Gearbox turned down chance to develop Call of Duty
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Gearbox Software boss Randy Pitchford has claimed that Activision once offered the studio the chance to develop a Call of Duty game.

Call of Duty titles are currently created by two different studios, with Infinity Ward handling the Modern Warfare series and Treyarch looking after the Black Ops games.

Pitchford said the Borderlands studio turned down the offer of making a Call of Duty game because there wasn't much scope for creativity.

"I don't know what there was to aim for there," Pitchford told Krawall Gaming Network.

"I think to deliver the Call of Duty that people want you have to play by the rules of the series. You have to do what is expected of a Call of Duty.

"So I see no real challenge for us. It wouldn't strengthen our reputation as a studio, and it wouldn't be really motivating for our team."

Gearbox is currently working on Aliens: Colonial Marines and DLC for Borderlands 2.


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