
Battlefield 3 introduces 'Matches' feature

Battlefield 3 introduces 'Matches' feature
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

EA has announced a new ‘Matches’ feature that will be implemented into Battlefield 3.

The feature will allow players to customise aspects such as time, server and game settings for their rounds.

After settings have been made players create their rosters from their list of friends and platoon members. A rival team leader is chosen to do the same.

A warm-up phase occurs before the match begins, allowing players to practice without points or kills being recorded.

Once the match has been completed results are published on Battlelog.

A post on the Battlefield blog said: “With Matches, Battlefield 3 players will be able to create, control and track directly competitive online play.

“Platoons, friends and rivals will be able to put their teamwork to the test in controlled environments laying claim to definitive superiority and creating new grudges.”

Matches will be available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC through Battlelog. A release date hasn’t yet been confirmed.


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