
Bungie: Destiny is the best game we've ever made

Bungie: Destiny is the best game we've ever made
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation
BY: Pierce
Language »

Destiny is the best game Bungie has ever made, according to community manager David Dague.

The imminent launch of Destiny has players excited all around the world as they count down the hours until tomorrow's release.

Dague has been doing his best to excite people even more, by saying Destiny is better than any of the Halo games that Bungie created.

"So what we've done with Destiny is create a game that was as good a game as we could make," he told ArabicGamers.

"We feel this is the best game that we've ever made. When you think about the new technology we've invented for ourselves, when you think of the talent that we've lured into our studio from every corner of the entertainment industry, we've put that pressure on ourselves."

Be sure to check out all of our Destiny coverage by heading here.


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kung fu zebra » 8th Sep @ 13:39 » Big statement, hope it lives up to it!!