
PES dev "thankful" FIFA didn't care about visuals this year

PES dev
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce

PES 2015 European brand manager Adam Bhatti is "thankful" FIFA isn't focusing on graphics too much this year.

The newest PES game will be the first to make its way to the new consoles, whereas FIFA made its debut on the Xbox One and PS4 last year.

That head start could have been significant, claimed Bhatti, but the Fox Engine has allowed PES to catch up in terms of visuals.

"We have a really good feeling this year about what we're doing," he told ArabicGamers. "We've got two extra months, and I think with these two extra months we can smash it.

"Already it's playing really well, so just a bit more polish, tweaking certain things, and let's see what the people say.

"I've seen what FIFA are doing as well, I'm thankful they didn't care too much about the visuals this year, because it's similar to last year.

"So I don't think we're even behind this year thanks to the Fox Engine, which is nice because this is our first year and they have a two-year head start."

Bhatti made the comparison between other games that made their debut on the new consoles last year and have seemed to make the step up graphically.

"This is their second game, you'd expect... You've seen Call of Duty for example take a massive step up, Assassin's Creed... So I was kind of worried, but I think it's looking really good for us."

We'll be uploading our video interview with Bhatti in the coming weeks. In the meantime you can check out our hands-on preview of PES 2015.


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Jamie » 4th Sep @ 15:17 » Really looking forward to playing this!