
Paris is like a Swiss cheese, says AC: Unity producer

Paris is like a Swiss cheese, says AC: Unity producer
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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The Assassin's Creed Unity version of Paris has been likened to a Swiss cheese by lead producer Vincent Pontibrand.

Assassin's Creed games are famous for their distinct, historical settings, while Unity is no different as it takes place in the French capital during the revolution.

Pontibrand is so impressed with the virtual world of Paris that he even calls it his favourite part of the game.

"I guess I should say gameplay!" Pontibrand told ArabicGamers when asked what he's most impressed with. "For some reason, still today after all these months working on it, I'm fascinated by the version of Paris we've created.

"I still today spend hours just as a tourist myself because I don't know all the things that the level artists have added during the past weeks and I'm like, 'Woah!'

"Because it's fascinating, we have all these seamless interiors, we have all these cool landmarks, some of them have fully modeled interiors.

"We have the catacombs, the sewers, it's all interconnected like a Swiss cheese. And it's just fascinating, all of the attention to detail is crazy."

Pontibrand later went on to say that the new consoles allowed Ubisoft to add an extra layer of detail to the graphics.

"With the type of visual fidelity we can have with the new hardware, the detail is very immersive," he added.

"And then on top of that you have cool gameplay I think and stuff to do."

Assassin's Creed Unity launches 28 October on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Click here or here to read up on our other Unity coverage.


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