
Watch Dogs trailer shows off PlayStation-exclusive content

Watch Dogs trailer shows off PlayStation-exclusive content
PLATFORM: PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Ubisoft has released a video showing off the PlayStation-exclusive content in upcoming Watch Dogs.

The PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game will come with four extra missions and around 60 extra minutes of gameplay.

"In an original mission exclusive to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, Dedsec requires the help of Aiden to set the record straight and expose a company's deceitful activities," said Watch Dogs community developer Nik Schmidt.

"More precisely, they need Aiden's help, his connections and his extreme knowledge of Chicago's complex ctOS network to track down enemies and expose them for who they really are, and he's willing to do it - for a price."

The PlayStation versions will also come with a hacking perk boost and a new character skin - The White Hacker suit.

Earlier this week it was revealed that Watch Dogs should last players around 35-40 hours on average.

Watch Dogs will release 27 May on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. A Wii U version will arrive at a later date.


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