
Watch Dogs online multiplayer detailed

Watch Dogs online multiplayer detailed
PLATFORM: Xbox Nintendo PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Ubisoft has spoken of the online multiplayer component in upcoming Watch Dogs.

Watch Dogs was announced at E3 last year for current-gen consoles, and just last week it was also confirmed as a PlayStation 4 launch title.

Creative director, Jonathan Morin, mentioned 'hyperconnectivity' to describe how interacting with other players works in multiplayer.

"Watch Dogs is all about hyperconnectivity," Morin told Kotaku. "To me, that has to mean all the time and anywhere.

"So yes, other people are out there all the time, when you don't expect it. Whether you're playing single-player or multiplayer it's happening."

Morin added that players who join in another person's game would get to decide whether they want to help or hurt protagonist Aiden.

"We'll let players do pretty much what they want on those terms," he said.

"And I think that what's interesting is that since we're creating a fantasy that you can progressively control all of Chicago and monitor everything... if you can do that... you need to ask yourself if Aiden Pearce can do all of this, can anybody else out there do the same thing?

"And the answer is absolutely yes."


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