
DICE working on Battlefield 4 fixes before new content

DICE working on Battlefield 4 fixes before new content
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

EA has confirmed that development on future projects and Battlefield 4 expansions from DICE has been halted until all issues with the game have been fixed.

Players of the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the shooter have reported several problems since launch, such as frequent crashing and the loss of save progress.

The first expansion, Battlefield 4: China Rising, was released earlier this week and introduced even more issues, with players unable to join servers.

"We know we still have a ways to go with fixing the game - it is absolutely our No. 1 priority," EA told Polygon in a statement.

"Since Battlefield 4: China Rising expansion pack was already in the final stages of development by the time issues began with Battlefield 4, we decided to fulfill our promise to deliver it this week, but we're not moving onto future projects or expansions until we sort out all the issues with Battlefield 4.

"We know many of our players are frustrated, and we feel their pain. We will not stop until this is right."


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