
Arkham Origins story DLC includes "key relationship"

Arkham Origins story DLC includes
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation Nintendo PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Warner Bros. Montreal has revealed that the story-focused downloadable content for Batman: Arkham Origins will feature a "key relationship".

The first expansion for the excellent Arkham Origins is said to be similar in size to Arkham City DLC Harley Quinn's Revenge, and it's due to be released sometime in 2014.

Senior producer Ben Mattes said that the content would pay attention to one of the biggest relationships within the Batman canon, and even though he didn't reveal all, we can take a good guess at it being the pairing up of Batman and Robin.

"It is in line with our angle of the origins - not necessarily of characters, but of key relationships," he told Eurogamer. "It is a DLC that will focus on one of the most key relationships in Batman canon."

Robin wasn't involved in the main storyline for Arkham Origins, but he was playable in the game's challenge maps.


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oj_sarraj » 28th Nov @ 16:28 » I think it will be Robin...