
Battlefield 4 might not be the last on current-gen

Battlefield 4 might not be the last on current-gen
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Battlefield 4 might not be the last game in the franchise to launch on current-gen systems, according to DICE executive producer Patrick Bach.

The latest game in the shooter series is launching on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, as well as new consoles Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Bach believes that if there are enough players sticking with current-gen consoles then there's a possibility that new Battlefield games could still be made for them.

"We don't know yet," he told ArabicGamers when asked if future iterations of Battlefield would hit the Xbox 360 and PS3.

"The transition hasn't happened yet, it's going to happen. We want to support players that want to play Battlefield.

"If there's a big group of players that are still clinging onto their current-gen consoles, we still have an engine that supports the full spectrum of consoles, so we could keep doing Battlefield games for current-gen."

However Bach added that the new consoles are what DICE is focusing on now.

"But that will not stop us from trying to push the boundaries as we've been pushing them before, to try and create the better and cooler experience for the super high-end machines."

We were impressed by what we saw of Battlefield 4 at Gamescom, and it even made it into our top ten list of most impressive games of the show.

It's recently been confirmed that Battlefield 4 will launch with 10 game modes and seven different maps.


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