
Quantum Break game/TV show concept explained

Quantum Break game/TV show concept explained
BY: Pierce
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Remedy Entertainment has explained how upcoming Xbox One exclusive Quantum Break will work as a game and a TV show.

Announced during the Xbox One reveal last month, Quantum Break will offer players live-action videos to go with what happens in the game.

"Live-action has already been part of our experiences for a while," writer Sam Lake told GameInformer. "We want to push that further.

"It just feels somehow natural when talking about stories. The earlier steps were baby steps into that direction, and this is a bigger leap. We want to explore these possibilities."

Lake said that players would be getting "essentially the first season of Quantum Break" when they buy it, so they get the game and the TV show.

"They are connected in many different ways. The idea is that you get this deeper entertainment experience and they are interwoven, so we are aiming to get the perfect TV show-model pacing.

"So you play an episode of the game, you do certain junction points and choices along the way, and once you get to the end, we unlock an episode of the show."

Lake did reveal that players not interested in the TV show portion of Quantum Break could skip it, but it wouldn't be as rewarding overall.

"We are trying to nail the perfect pacing so that doing it as intended, you get a deeper, more powerful experience," he added.


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