
Battlefield 4 officially revealed with gameplay trailer

Battlefield 4 officially revealed with gameplay trailer
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

EA has officially revealed Battlefield 4, releasing new details and a 17-minute gameplay trailer.

The shooter, in development at DICE, is set for release in the autumn for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Next-gen consoles are yet to be confirmed.

The trailer starts off with the player, Recker, trapped in a sinking car with three of his squad mates.

It then jumps back in time to reveal just how the squad managed to get themselves into this sticky situation.

EA also confirmed that the main Battlefield 4 campaign would feature huge environments and the chance to direct squad mates.

"We are so humbled and proud to debut Battlefield 4 on a global stage with simultaneous events in San Francisco and Stockholm," said EA executive Patrick Soderlund.

"To be this early in development, and to already be so polished is a huge achievement for the DICE team and reflection of their passion and commitment to driving the franchise forward.

"Today's demo was just the beginning - we have so much more in store."

Battlefield 4 is running on a new next-gen Frostbite 3 engine, an "evolution" of the Frostbite 2 technology that powered Battlefield 3.

Check out the debut trailer below.


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