
BioWare: Next-gen won't have obvious graphical leap

BioWare: Next-gen won't have obvious graphical leap
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Next-generation games won't feature an obvious leap in graphical performance, according to BioWare art director Neil Thompson.

Sony revealed its new hardware last week, with lots of people expecting to see much better looking games in the coming years.

Thompson believes that while there will be an improvement in the way games look, it won't be as obvious as the difference between the last generation transition.

"The last technology iteration caught folks by surprise - especially the number of people you needed and the skillset jump that was required to do the work that people expected," Thompson told OXM.

"In the last generation the perception was that it was going to be a ten times improvement over the previous generation.

"For the next generation there will be a big leap, but it won't be as obvious."

BioWare's first effort on next-generation consoles is expected to be Dragon Age 3, which is rumoured to launch on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and the next Xbox.


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