
Gearbox still has plans for Brothers in Arms

Gearbox still has plans for Brothers in Arms
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Gearbox still has plans for the Brothers in Arms series, even though the latest game evolved into a new IP.

It was announced last year that Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 would instead be released as a new IP, leaving Brothers in Arms fans without a game to look forward to.

However Gearbox CEO, Randy Pitchford, claimed there would still be an "authentic Brothers in Arms game" in the future.

"We haven't announced that yet, but I'm really excited about where that's going too," he told IGN. "We'll announce these things in due course.

"There's a lot of neat things we have going on. When you're in pre-production and you're in these iterations, it's kind of reckless.

"We love Brothers in Arms and we're committed to more time in that space. As we get to places where it makes sense to announce things in that regard, we'll do that too."

There have been no announcements regarding a title or release date of the new IP.


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