
Dishonored aims to give players more freedom

Dishonored aims to give players more freedom
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce

Arkane Studios wants players to express their creativity in Dishonored.

The studio claims there will be a variety of different ways to tackle missions and that players will benefit from the experience.

Executive producer, Julien Roby, said players shouldn't be put off by the game giving them so much choice.

"I can understand people may have some reserve on the final game," Roby told AusGamers, "given that we are definitely trying to push the game very far in terms of player choices and the various ways you can play it."

"This is definitely a very hard goal to reach, but we knew that from day one - this was the kind of game we wanted to make. So we forged all our production around that. We've worked super hard to make sure each of the game missions will deliver the same kind of depth and options people have seen from the hands-on sessions so far."

Roby added that the development for Dishonored has been a long and arduous process.

"It's been more than three years at developing game systems that work as a true simulation (as opposed to pre-defined scripted events) to make sure the game can almost 'live' on its own and let players experiment as much as they want."

Dishonored launches 12 October for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.


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