
Crysis producer: Current-gen can't go any further

Crysis producer: Current-gen can't go any further
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Crysis 3 producer Mike Read has said the current generation consoles have reached their limits.

Read told CVG that everyone is ready for the step to next generation consoles after the long lifecycle of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

He said: “There has always been this leapfrog between the generations. I think that coming into the next generation of consoles, this is the longest generation that we’ve seen between consoles at this point, and it has brought us to a point where we can’t take it any further.”

Read also spoke about his desire to add co-op gameplay to Crysis 3.

He added: “There are all sorts of limitations with [co-op], and there are also development things that are associated with it too.

“A lot of gamers believe it’s just a case of going into a single player map, throwing another person in there and that it’ll still be the same experience, but that’s not really how it ends up turning out.

“For the future that’s something I’d love to see in there, but unfortunately it’s not going to be in Crysis 3.

Check out some Crysis 3 screenshots here. Crysis 3 is released February 2013.


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