
World of Tanks celebrates first anniversary on X360

World of Tanks celebrates first anniversary on X360
PLATFORM: Xbox Free to Play
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Wargaming this week celebrates one year on the X360 after a successful global launch.

World of Tanks, which had been hugely successful on the PC, made a migration to Xbox only last year adapting the free to play model which has worked so well for the company. And with an already established and committed user base of over 30 million Xbox 360 players, it’s no surprise a free to play game such as this has been so succesful.

The game launched on 12 February in 2014 and has been going strong since its launch. The company is stating that, in the time since launch, over 570 million tanks have been destroyed, over 34 million battles have taken place and over 10 BILLION shells have been fired. The company also says over 38 million in-game operations have been undertaken by players.

As a thank you to the players, Wargaming will be offering Xbox tank operators XP boosts, free vehicles, high tier tank discounts and unique anniversary exclusive emblems for a limited time - up to 22nd February.

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