
FIFA 15 will have two Arabic commentators

FIFA 15 will have two Arabic commentators
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

There will be two Arabic commentators for the Middle Eastern version of FIFA 15, according to lead producer Sebastian Enrique.

The commentator issue has been significant in recent years, as real life Arabic football matches only feature one commentator but in FIFA there have always been two.

Earlier this year Enrique suggested the issue was being looked at but once again it appears as though two commentators will be the norm.

"In FIFA 15 we are going to have two Arabic commentators, a main commentator and a colour commentator," he told ArabicGamers.

"I've got some mixed feedback and mixed results when I was researching about having one or two commentators. What I really love is for the Arabic community to tell us their preference so we can accommodate them.

"The first time we launched in Arabic we didn't know any better, we had a platform and the team assumed it was that way [with two commentators].

"We have gone on press tours with people like yourself saying it should be just one commentator. But then there are people saying they are happy with two. We like to hear feedback and so maybe in the future we can accommodate better."

Read up on our FIFA 15 preview here.


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