
Far Cry 4 map focuses on density over size

Far Cry 4 map focuses on density over size
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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The open-world map of Far Cry 4 will be around the same size as Far Cry 3's, as Ubisoft is choosing to focus on density rather than sheer size.

That's according to creative director Alex Hutchinson, who claims the size of the map in Far Cry 3 "was really good" and that there's really no reason to go bigger.

"For me it was trying to pack in more events where you come across NPCs, more events where you come across enemies doing unusual stuff," he told Game Informer.

"We have these new things we're calling Karma Events which are there to entice you to interact with the bad guys depending on what they're doing or help out the local populace as you're navigating the open world. They really add a sense of life and improve the feeling of density."

New traversal methods, new wildlife and new incidents are being included in Far Cry 4 to give it a grander sense of scale.

Far Cry 4 launches on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC on 18 November.


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