
Joint Special Operations Command will shape Black Ops 2 story

Joint Special Operations Command will shape Black Ops 2 story
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It's been confirmed that branching story lines in the upcoming Black Ops sequel will be determined by Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) outcomes, according to an interview with Treyarch studio head, Mark Lamia.

In an interview with ArabicGamers, Lamia said that these specific levels could be seen as "proxy wars" in a "larger global conflict" which is set in 2025. Lamia confirmed that there will be points in the story which will "present you with a choice between missions," allowing you to choose how to play the mission.

"Once you’re in that action, players will be able to take control of the battle like never before in a Campaign level: play in Overwatch and set waypoints and issue commands to your squad; take control of drones or autonomous ground robots – do whatever you need to do and play however you need to play to win the mission – you can play with all the toys. Or, you could play it like straight-ahead Call of Duty with your gun in hand."

However you choose to play the game is your choice, according to Lamia, but beware, you will not be re-spawned if you lose the mission.

"Now, if you lose – which is a possibility for the first time in a Call of Duty game – the story will continue on. The outcome of that Strike Force Level will shape the story arc of the Cold War that surrounds you." Said Lamia.

We're excited to find out more about this, as well as all the Zombie game modes. We'll have more news as E3 comes, and make sure you keep your eyes open for the full interview with Mark Lamia which will be making an appearance over the coming days.


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