
Next-gen improves Thief in many ways, say devs

Next-gen improves Thief in many ways, say devs
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

The power of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One allow Thief to become a more immersive experience, according to two of the game's developers.

Next-generation consoles meant Crystal Dynamics could create a game that was more fluid compared to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions.

However all versions of the game will offer that same underlying experience, according to lead level designer Daniel Windfield Schmidt.

"We made sure the core experience was the same across," Schmidt told ArabicGamers, "that core experience isn't hardware dependent.

"Then we said next-gen is where we want to push immersion. The amount of feedback that the guards give, the amount of environmental details, texture resolution, animation compression - it all becomes much more fluid.

"So one of the things is we wanted to give you that more immersive experience and that's what next-gen offers."

Art director Nicola Cantin claimed that while next-gen and PC are the prettier versions, there's still a lot to like about the PS3 and Xbox 360 games.

"But even on the current-gen version it's really immersive too and we're really proud of what we've done on the current-gen version because we've put a lot of love on both," he added.

"But yes, the new consoles give us the chance to add a little bit more, to add some shininess, so we're really proud of both.

"And the PC, if you have a really high-end PC it can boost playing in 4K if you want."

Schmidt concluded that the key was making sure Thief was fundamentally the same across all platforms.

"We focused on giving one experience. If you try to give different experiences then it wouldn't work out as well, so we tried to focus on giving one experience."

Thief will be launching at the end of the month. Check back on Monday to read our review.


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