
COD: Ghosts has dedicated servers on every platform

COD: Ghosts has dedicated servers on every platform
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation Nintendo PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Infinity Ward has revealed that Call of Duty: Ghosts will have dedicated servers across all platforms.

Previously only the Xbox One and PC versions were confirmed to have dedicated servers, however executive producer Mark Rubin has now said that even current-gen platforms will have them.

"Dedicated servers will be used on current-gen, next-gen and PC with Ghosts," he claimed.

"And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers.

"So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible."
'Listen servers' are described as those hosted on the console of a designated host player, which can cause problems when the host player quits and the game has to migrate.

The game's matchmaking is also said to have been improved.

"There is also some great new tech in the matchmaking system that will place players in matches that have the best combined overall connectivity performance," added Rubin.


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