
Zombies artwork from Black Ops 2

Zombies artwork from Black Ops 2
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The first piece of artwork from Black Ops 2's has been revealed on the official Facebook page.

"Zombies are coming...... Where's your shotgun?" says the post. Along with this there is an image, which we've attached for your viewing pleasure.

The post also says that the Black Ops 2 developers have had "free reign" on the zombie aspect of the game.

"Treyarch have given their zombie team free reign to do pretty much whatever they want with the mode regardless of the direction the campaign is headed in," says the post.

All of this after the reveal a couple of days ago which sees some pretty intense fighting scenes and some desert horse scenes, which are still pretty confusing if we're being honest.

We've put a call in to Treyarch to see if we can get any more information and news on the title which will be out in November this year.


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