
Thief dev: "Beautiful" Garrett unlike any other protagonist

Thief dev:
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Thief protagonist Garrett is unlike any other character in the gaming world, according to narrative director Steven Gallagher.

The return of the Thief franchise also marks the return of Garrett, the master thief and star of the previous games in the series.

For some people Garrett is the ultimate anti-hero, and Gallagher believes he's unique in the industry.

"I've spent a lot of time with Garrett. Dressing in back, hiding in the shadows, seeing things he shouldn't see, hearing things he shouldn't hear," Gallagher told ArabicGamers.

"There's no other game that gives you the opportunity to play a character like Garrett. I don't see another guy like this in the gaming industry right now.

"He's not stood in the same lines as everybody else. That's what I find so compelling about him."

Gallagher claims that the ability to get inside Garrett's head is what sets Thief apart from other games.

"What I think is - I use the word privileged but I don't know if it's the right word - because it's this first-person experience which other third-person games can't do is you get to be inside his head.

"So you have this character, this beautiful character that's very mysterious, very layered, but you have the opportunity to be able to hear.

"So when he speaks to himself he speaks to you, this is why I call it your story because you are Garrett, you play from his perspective.

"So I don't see many other games that are giving that opportunity for this sort of character."

We'll have more from Gallagher, including a video interview, in the near future.

Thief is set for a February launch on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC.


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