
Konami: Giant-killing will make PES 14 better than FIFA

Konami: Giant-killing will make PES 14 better than FIFA
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

The ability for smaller teams to beat the giants of world football will place Pro Evolution Soccer 14 above FIFA 14, according to producer Kei Masuda.

The annual battle between PES and FIFA is set to go again this year, however FIFA easily outsold its main rival over previous months.

Masuda believes giant-killing will play a much bigger part in this year's PES iteration.

"Our ultimate goal is to let you win with the team you love," he told OPM. "If we can make a giant-killing possible, it's a huge difference to FIFA."

This year's PES will also run on the Fox Engine, which is being used to power upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5.

"We're just sharing the fundamental part of [the Fox Engine] with Kojima Productions. We have to tailor the engine specifically for football games."

PES 14 will allow you to control your player's body and balance, even when they don't have the ball.

Pro Evolution Soccer 14 hasn't been announced yet, but expect an official reveal soon.


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Zainab » 24th Apr @ 11:13 » Far fetched but doable
Pierce » 24th Apr @ 10:35 » PES was the best football game years ago but FIFA still sold more. Now FIFA is the better game, I don't see how PES can catch up.