
Activision adding microtransactions to Black Ops 2

Activision adding microtransactions to Black Ops 2
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Activision is adding microtransactions to Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 from tomorrow.

Activision blogger, Dan Amrich, revealed that the microtransactions would be added along with a title update.

The update will add the usual "tweaks, adjustments and improvements" that players expect, but there will also be optional in-game purchases called Micro Items.

"This content contains either personal customisations or nice little luxuries that I've seen players request," Amrich wrote on his blog, "none of them affect gameplay, but they are small, specific ways to enhance your online experience."

The Micro Items include Personalisation Packs, which are themed and contain different weapon camo, targeting reticles and custom Calling Cards. Personalisations Packs cost 160 Microsoft Points each.

An Extra Slots Pack will also be available for 160 Microsoft Points, letting players add 10 additional Create-A-Class slots and letting Theatre Mode users save 20 more emblems, 32 more films and 40 more screenshots.

The Nuketown Zombies map will also be released for 400 Microsoft Points, while the Nuketown 2025 map will be available to download for free.

"At the end of the day, all of these items are completely optional, and were created for players who've asked for more customisations options," added Amrich.

The title update will be released to Xbox 360 users first before coming to other platforms at a later date.


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