
Fuse dev says working on new IP is 'terrifying'

Fuse dev says working on new IP is 'terrifying'
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Working on a new IP such as Fuse can be 'terrifying', according to Insomniac CEO Ted Price.

Fuse is Insomniac's first multi-platform effort, which features a heavy focus on four-player coop and powerful weaponry.

Price claimed that while it's refreshing to work on completely new ideas, it's easy to lose focus and try to make a product to please everyone.

"Yeah, that's the good and the bad," he told ArabicGamers when asked how much creative license the team is afforded.

"When we start a new IP, it's exhilarating because anything's possible, but also terrifying because anything's possible.

"It's easy to go completely out of scope and try to make a game that is everything to everyone. But when we do that it becomes too diffuse and lacks an identity.

"So for this game, deciding early on four-player coop was so important."

Price also hopes that Fuse could turn into fully-fledged franchise one day.

"Oh yeah, every new game that we make, we have the intention to turn it into a franchise. We don't do one-off games.

"I think if you ask any developer, for the most part they'll say, 'Yes, we created this universe because we wanted to take it further'.

"And with Fuse, because it isn't based on real-world stuff, because we have this crazy alien substance and there are no rules, we can take it in plenty of different directions.

"And for us, that's where we get a lot of our enjoyment."

Click here to read up on our latest Fuse preview.


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