
Dead Space 3 loot exploit was 'intentional'

Dead Space 3 loot exploit was 'intentional'
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce

EA has claimed a loot exploit uncovered in Dead Space 3 was 'intentional' and there are no plans to patch it.

Last week GameFront exposed the loophole, which allows players to farm infinite resources for new weapons.

It renders the controversial micro-transaction system useless by allowing players to farm resources, but EA claims it was deliberately designed this way.

"The resource-earning mechanic in Dead Space 3 is not a glitch," an EA spokesperson told GameFront.

"We have no plans to issue a patch to change this aspect of the game. We encourage players to explore the game and discover the areas where resources respawn for free.

"We've deliberately designed Dead Space 3 to allow players to harvest resources by playing through the game. For those that wish to accumulate upgrades instantly, we have enabled an optional system for them to buy the resources at a minimal cost ($1-$3 USD)."

EA was roundly criticised when the micro-transaction system in Dead Space 3 was uncovered but now there seems little reason to use it. 


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